Indy's #1 Morning Alternative Thing
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  State of the art recording facility located in the heart of downtown Anderson. If you've got something to record go meet the nice people there and check out their incredible equipment!
  "The greatest band ever!" - Gonzo
No we're not biased, Not at all. Go see and hear for yourself! This band WILL SAVE rock music, it's their mission in life.
  The worlds greatest dive bar is located here in Indianapolis. It goes against dive bar rules to tell you where it is if you've never been but because they don't have a website (and what self-respecting dive bar would!) the link will take you to an address and map of this fine establishment! - musician's website
  Visit if you're ina band or like to see bands. They've got all the info on the latest goings' on around town plus they've got a message board where you can sound off if you like or don't like a particular...or morning show - but you wouldn't do that! Also visit their MP3 project site! Support local music!
 PEPPERS - bar/club
  Peppers in downtown Broad Ripple is great place to hang with friends ESPECIALLY if the 3 Chord Orchestra is playing! Every first Saturday of the month you can hear the Big Dumb Show's house band at Peppes covering songs from the X103 playlist!
 THE MELODY INN - bar/club
  The historic Melody Inn is the place to go to hear live music any night of the week, and of course, get a real sweet deal on PBR. If you've got piercings that your mom doesn't approve of, this is the place for you. Next to the Alley Cat, it's quite possibly the world's best bar. - website
  You don't have to like punk rock to appreciate, just good original, fast, fun, loud music. And of course the attitude that goes with it. Visit this website to learn about new, up and coming music talent as well as when and where they're playing.
 SCOTT LONG - comedian
  He's like a stray dog, after you feed them once they just keep coming back, and back and back. Visit comedian's Scott Long's website so you can do the same thing he does to us...keep going back and back and back...
 JEANETTE LEE - champion pool player
  She hot and she know's how to rack'em. This lady can kick your ass anyday in a game of 9-ball, or ping pong, or fooz-ball. They don't call her the "Black Widow" for nothing. Visit Jeanette's official website.
 FRANK CALIENDO - comedian
  Frank Caliendo is by far one of the most talented impressionists and comedians out there. You could catch him on the Big Dumb Show when he comes to visit or you could just watch Mad TV. Visit his official website. He's got hilarious ring tones and the best part - THEY'RE FREE!
 LORD CARRETT - comedian
  He's got a wicked wardrobe and a pompadour that the king would be jealous of. Lord Carrett is a comedian with a rock-a-billy twist. Visit Lord's website and behold his comedy while learning how to coif your hair in the afore mentioned pompadour.
  Flying through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops...unless of course, you're making a movie about Star Wars in Indiana. Can't explain it, just go visit it!
 SPLURGE - band
  Now we're not saying that we're easily bought, but anyone who brings nudie magazines and beer is OK in our book. That's EXACTLY what Splurge, the band, did when they came to visit. So return the favor and go visit their official website.
  Tom Jones, Englebert Humperdink, Robert Goulet - all musicians who turn to one Richard Cheese for guidance and inspiration. You too, can turn to this lyrical genious. Visit Dick Cheese at his official website.
 DAN CUMMINS - comedian
  Visit Dan Cummins website and experience the comedic talent and supreme song writer skills!
  It's absolutely pure genious. Is there any other website out there that can possibly top the magic, the wonderment, the beauty, that is HOT CHICKS EATING CORNDOGS . com. Brought to you by The Big Dumb Show!
  Those of you blessed enough to be at XFest 2003 saw the birth of this band. The Three Chord Orchestra is the official band the Big Dumb Show featuring Don Stuck on guitar, webmistress Nicole singing lead and Gonzo Greg as their Master of Ceremonies.
  Pinto Bob, loyal listener, and excessive caller has set up a web page at MSN groups. Visit the site, set up a user name, and then post messages about the Big Dumb Show or upload crappy camera phone pix from 3 Chord Orchestra gigs!


The Three Chord Orchestra
© 2005 Gonzo Greg and the Big Dumb Show